20+ Years Experience

Specialist Concrete Repair

Concrete Repair Company in Ealing

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Concrete structures are a very common sight everywhere in the world, with most concrete buildings in Ealing standing up to a lot of damage before they even show any signs of wear and tear. Unfortunately, like any material, concrete isn’t invincible.

At the Concrete Repair Company, we offer a range of concrete repair services in Ealing, aiming to help each client fill in the cracks and ensure that their specially-designed concrete structures can be back to perfect condition on short notice.

Whether we’re working with large-scale buildings or smaller concrete structures, our contractors are dedicated to keeping each one well-maintained. As experts in our field, we understand how to approach each job with the highest possible standard of quality.

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Who Are We?

The Concrete Repair Company team contains a range of concrete repair experts, each trained to notice and repair defects and damage within a concrete structure or surface.

No matter the project in Ealing, we work hard to maintain a professional but friendly attitude with all of our clients.

As a business, we work hard to keep our clients’ concrete structures in good condition through professional repair work.

Accredited Concrete Repair Company Ealing

Our concrete repair work in Ealing has earned us multiple awards from major companies and third-party review sites. We carry our accreditations for our services with pride, and do our best to live up to the standards of quality we set for our projects.

20 Years Experience in National Concrete Repair Services

With 20 years of experience providing concrete repair services in various industries and spaces, our team are fully prepared to tackle a range of repair tasks.

We have repaired and maintained countless different concrete structures in Ealing, from fully-sized buildings to individual surfaces, and our team understand how to get the work done effectively.

Thanks to our expertise, we also understand how to sue the right tools and materials or each task, ensuring maximum quality and minimum errors throughout each repair job.

Why Choose Us for Your Concrete Repair?

As a group in Ealing, we know how to deliver the right repair work for each individual situation. Our deep pool of experience and long list of completed past projects gives us an edge over other concrete repair options.

While concrete repair can sound relatively easy on paper, repairing a surface (or even the structure of an entire building) can be incredibly time-consuming and complicated, not to mention expensive.

Our engineers understand the finer details behind proper concrete surface repair: we can fill in cracks, offer proper surface protection against future damage, and deliver steel reinforcements or other services in a convenient timeframe.

What is Concrete Repair?

Concrete repair is the process of maintaining and repairing concrete surfaces, whether that involves fixing small cracks or making major changes to the steel reinforcement structures within the concrete itself.

As a general process, concrete repair can encompass a lot of different kinds of work. Most often, it refers to patching up cracks and holes that could weaken the surface, especially on any exterior structure that is subjected to the elements.

We provide a range of concrete repair services in Ealing, working with our clients to provide the right kinds of concrete repairs for their particular needs. Different forms of damage may cause concrete to develop different problems, some of which require urgent attention to prevent.

Our services focus on repairs, maintenance, structural protection, and the addition of new structures to help support existing concrete if needed. We can also arrange for bespoke services to tackle particularly difficult concrete repair jobs.

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Types of Concrete Repair Methods

Concrete repairs aren’t just a single process. Depending on the kind of damage involved, different services might be required, and certain methods are only meant to patch up particular kinds of damage.

We can provide a range of concrete repairs in Ealing, choosing the right services to match the kind of damage or wear that your structures have suffered.

Ealing Epoxy Grout Injection

Epoxy grout injection is used to patch narrow cracks, sealing them with epoxy on the exposed surfaces. While this doesn’t remove the cause of the cracking, it does allow for a fast repair job without having to create new steel support systems.

We can arrange quick grout injection work to provide light repairs to a cracked structure, making sure to check for the cause of the defects or damage in case there is any larger-scope repair work required.

Ealing Polyurethane Injection

Polyurethane injection is similar to epoxy grout injection, focusing on sealing cracks quickly with a simple repair injection. This method is often used to ensure a complete water seal, making sure that problems like water ingress are deal with quickly and effectively.

These sealants often are sometimes designed to expand and fill cracks directly, completely sealing the holes in the concrete to ensure a full repair job for added safety and protection.


Stitching is a method to reinforce existing concrete slabs by “sewing” two pieces of concrete together, mainly using a carbon fibre stitch. This prevents breaks from pulling apart further, which can be important for any structure where sealing cracks wouldn’t stop the damage.

This can be very important for spaces in Ealing where individual concrete slabs or blocks are moving apart without any easy way to prevent it. Rapid addition of stitches can ensure that a structure holds together rather than being slowly opened up over time.


While slightly different to repair work, patching concrete involves applying concrete patch compounds that smooth out the surface and create stronger bonds between surfaces. This is meant to help cover over problems that aren’t quite serious enough for full repair work.

This is often used as an easy method of repairs for dealing with small cracks in Ealing, and to protect surfaces that might have cracked slightly already. While it cannot repair major damage, it can still fill in mixed gaps across surfaces that are only lightly worn.

Gravity Filling Methods

Gravity filling is a simple method of trying to repair wider breaks. This is done through using specifically-added constructions, along with specialised grout, cement paint or sealant. The mixture often requires the repair team to add water, something that our contractors do carefully to ensure minimal mistakes.

This can be done in small or larger scales depending on the amount of damage involved, and requires specialised equipment like injection guns and water-reducing chemicals.

Drilling and Plugging Method

The drilling and plugging method is used on straight breaks that are accessible from one end of the concrete structure, such as a gash down from the top of a concrete retaining wall. This uses a specific drilling method alongside grout to plug the crack.

The methods used here might differ if a watertight seal is required, but the general idea is still the same. Drilling and plugging is primarily meant for vertical cracked areas, and becomes less effective at other angles.

Flexible Sealing – Grooving and Sealing

Flexible sealing is simply the use of flex-capable sealant options to help secure a crack. These are often specially-designed mixtures that are meant for concrete repair, although some are supposed to be used only for small-scale repairs where other methods would be overkill.

These can vary in quality depending on the exact brand and mixture used, but are still a good option for short-term repair and protection in Ealing.

Autogenous Healing

Autogenous healing is an unusual process focused on allowing concrete to repair itself. In certain cases, it’s possible to have regular and reinforced concrete repair itself over time in the presence of moisture, thanks to specific chemical reactions that occur.

This does not occur in all kinds of concrete, and requires specific conditions to make use of. The repair time can also be very slow – it isn’t as easy as “just add water”.

Movement Joints, Expansion Joints and Contraction Joints

Expansion joints and other joint options are designed to let concrete handle more conditions without suffering damage. These are dynamic components that can relieve, absorb or facilitate movement between concrete structures to prevent cracking.

Different joint types are meant to be used in different ways and support concrete in different manners. Using them also requires an understanding of concrete repair, as well as elements like steel reinforcement, making them an effective but hard-to-understand choice.

Ealing Concrete Repairs

We provide concrete repair expertise in Ealing, covering both structural and non-structural repair throughout a range of different industries. Our teams know how to use a range of concrete repair mortar options, and aim to deliver perfect repairs every single time.

From filling in small crack gaps with concrete repair mortars to doing great work on large structures such as buildings, we handle each job in line with the specifications of the client and the damage in question.

Our experts can work with Ealing property or business owners to develop the right concrete repair methods for each situation. Our teams can provide both interior and exterior concrete repair and protection options, using tools specifically designed for the task at hand.

Contact Our Team For Best Rates in Ealing

Cost of Concrete Repair Ealing

The cost of concrete repair can vary heavily based on the service involved, but tends to linger around £25 to £350 depending on the sale of your repairs.

Of course, costs generally rise based on the amount of damage involved. A single crack would be much more affordable than repairing an entire building and adding new steel supports.

Other factors that might influence the cost include:

Concrete Repair Benefits

As you might expect, concrete repairs in Ealing are always a good thing. Even non-structural repair can ensure that a concrete wall lasts longer than it otherwise would.

For example, one of the most common forms of damage – corrosion – can require urgent concrete repairs to prevent long-term problems. However, even mostly cosmetic repairs can look nice and prevent further damage in the short-term.

Depending on the kind of repair work involved, other benefits can include:

Where Do You Repair Concrete

We offer nationwide repair assistance for any concrete building or structure in Ealing, and can provide a varied range of service options to suit different situations. Our teams are well-equipped to work at any site on any kind of building or surface, regardless of your exact needs.

We can provide repair services in spaces like:

Our Ealing teams are committed to providing the right kind of repair work for each space and situation, and can refer to specialist methods in situations where normal repairs would not be enough.

Even something as minor as the kind of mortar used can vary depending on the situation. A concrete repair mortar used for a large crack in a delivery warehouse can vary wildly to a concrete repair mortar used to rapidly repair a small crack in a kitchen area.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you repair damaged concrete?

Damaged concrete can be repaired in a number of ways.

Our team can walk you through the repair options that suit your situation best, taking into account things like your site conditions and the amount of damage involved.

Is it possible to repair concrete?

Concrete can usually be repaired, but larger-scale damage requires larger-scale work.

Bridges with a minor crack are easy to fix, but the same bridges with more severe damage could require ten times the effort to fully repair.

Does concrete adhere to concrete?

Dried concrete has no natural bonding agent, meaning that mortar and other substances are required to make them bond.

These bonding agents are a major part of rapid repair work, allowing concrete to be stuck back together (and, in many cases, getting additional repair work done once stuck in place).

Can crumbling concrete be repaired?

Crumbling concrete can be repaired in a number of ways, but the severity of the damage can influence how rapid these repairs are.

In most cases, the loose material needs to be removed before proper repairs can begin, and a full inspection might be needed to ensure that the weakened structure isn’t a danger to life.

What are best concrete repair mortars to patch concrete?

There are a lot of mortar types and patch materials meant for concrete, each using a different mix of ingredients.

No particular mix is best for every situation, and our experts can find the best choice for your specific repair needs.

What do you put on crumbling concrete structures?

Lightly-crumbling concrete can often be repaired using a thin coat of bonding agent.

This is usually followed with another layer of fresh concrete to stabilize the crumbled area.

Get a Quote

If you want to know more about our concrete repair options in Ealing and our commitment to a great work attitude, contact us today to learn more.

Our Ealing team know that it can be a risk to put all of your eggs in one basket, and try to provide maximum quality through our associations with major repair equipment companies.

Talk to us today for a free price quote and a cost breakdown of the proposed project – no online basket system required.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great concrete repair services in London.

Here are some towns we cover near Ealing.

West Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Park Royal, Southall
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What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Concrete Repair to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

Jake Johnson
Greater London

We have used Concrete Repair for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

Max Swift
Greater London

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